Acupuncture & East Asian Medicine for the Menopause Transition

Rediscover and reconnect to your true self as you cross the threshold into wise womanhood.

Hello friend, how are you feeling?

Are your menopause symptoms making you feel crazy? 

Do you feel like your hormones are totally out of control?

That you’ve lost yourself through this life transition? 

And deep down, you’re afraid of aging and losing your youth? 

I’ve been there, friend. You don’t have to go through this on your own.

Let’s transform menopause into your new beginning. 

As a busy woman, you want to age gracefully — without unpleasant menopause symptoms getting in the way.

But those pesky symptoms seem to keep tripping you up! (And, if you’re really honest, can make you feel like you’ve been hit by a ton of bricks.) 

It’s time to do things differently (finally!)…by nourishing yourself from within. 

Whether you are in perimenopause, menopause or postmenopause, acupuncture and East Asian Medicine can bring much-needed relief to uncomfortable symptoms. So that you feel vibrant, full of life, energy, and beauty during this sacred time of transition.

Relief starts right here.

Many of us assume that menopause means we’re destined to feel tired, deflated, and, well, “meh” for years on end. But this simply is not the case.

Acupuncture and East Asian Medicine can help you resolve your unpleasant menopause symptoms and renew from within. So that this becomes a transformative, liberating time in your life as you begin to move from your earthly reproductive years, through your Autumn cycle, and onto your path of eldership.

You’re in the right place if you experience:

  • Unexpected weight gain

  • Worsening PMS 

  • Unpredictable periods (short or skipped menstrual cycles or heavy bleeding)

  • Hot flashes, night sweats

  • Brain fog

  • Insomnia

  • Emotional changes (irritability, mood changes, anxiety, depression)

Honoring menopause as a sacred renewal 

Our Western culture has led us to believe that menopause is a scary time when we start to lose our beauty, our vitality, and wellspring of joy. 

This fear is holding us back from experiencing menopause as a time of renewal and regeneration…as a birthing into our second Spring. 

Yet, women that break free from these limiting beliefs and honor this sacred journey as a rite of passage….are able to avoid many of the “mainstream” menopause struggles that we hear about today.

Together, we’ll attune to your cyclical nature, womb wisdom, and body’s natural healing powers with the restorative practices of acupuncture and East Asian Medicine.

Are you ready to (finally) feel better? 

You’re tired of your menopause symptoms affecting your performance at work. You wonder if there are holistic therapies as an alternative or to complement HRT. You’re struggling to know what to eat, how to exercise, and finally feel like yourself again. 

No symptom is insignificant. No question is too small. 

I’m here to listen and hold you through this amazing journey so that you come out on the other side feeling stronger, more confident, and at ease with the woman you’ve become. 

With acupuncture and East Asian Herbal Medicine, I’ve helped thousands of women to:

  • Embrace and love yourself, body and soul.

  • Approach this life transition with compassion, love and magic, mystery and nature.

  • Rediscover the talents, passions, pleasures, or interests you gave away when you entered the Mother cycle.

  • Welcome this time of renewal and fresh starts with excitement and expectation. 

  • Feel empowered by retaining your “wise blood” — your new wellspring of meaning, connection, and wisdom.

  • Get clear on your values and inner truths.  

  • Reconnect with the things that bring you joy, open your heart, and make you laugh.

Let’s resolve your perimenopause and menopause symptoms and restore balance to your mind, body, and spirit.

Your Treatment

If you are looking for holistic treatments and gentle guidance, support, and vital wisdom to naturally restore harmony and balance and ease the menopausal transition, a Wise Womanhood session will be the perfect fit. 

Here’s what to expect:


We’ll have an in-depth conversation about your wellness history and health complaints. I’ll then create a custom healing path to help you feel like the healthiest, best version of yourself. 


After a gentle acupuncture treatment, enjoy half an hour of blissful, peaceful rest while the needles do their thing to nourish and balance your body. 


I will offer herbal formulas and lifestyle recommendations (for things like nutrition, exercise, and mental health wellness) for you to continue at home so that you love this season of life.

New client sessions are 90 minutes. Follow up sessions are 60 minutes.


"It's the empty space within the bowl that makes it useful" - Lao Tzu

"It's the empty space within the bowl that makes it useful" - Lao Tzu

Why trust me to guide you?

Because I’m right there with you. I’ve personally been navigating this phase of life the last few years. I knew intuitively that I wanted to embrace the process of aging and menopause as gracefully as I could.

Thankfully, with regular acupuncture treatments and other East Asian Medicine therapies, I can honestly say that I’ve been able to navigate this season in my life with ease. 

I found ways to embrace all the new changes I was experiencing — the good and the not-so-good.

I reconnected with myself and honed the new-found wisdom in my body so that I could honor and celebrate this sacred time of transition.  

Without taking this time to nourish my health from within, I know my experience would have been dramatically different. And I’m passionate about helping women, just like you, to find your inner strength, beauty, and grace during this autumn season of life.

Menopause is a portal from one iteration of yourself to the next…

No matter where you’re at on your menopause journey, I’d love to help you get to the root cause of your symptoms. So that you can naturally restore harmony and balance to your body (and life!). 

With acupuncture & East Asian Medicine, you’ll deepen your connection to self and see what it is you need to do, or be, in order to better nourish yourself… To release what you no longer need and claim this time as an initiation into your deeper wisdom and power.

Ready to get started?


  • Effective 4/3/23, Washington State Department of Health will end the mask mandate in health care settings. It will be a personal choice to continue wearing a mask at your appointment or not. Masks will still be provided if you want one. As always, if you feel ill, have a fever, flu-like symptoms or have had a known COVID-19 exposure, please stay at home.

  • $165 New Patient Exam, Acupuncture Treatment and/or Herbal Consultation

    $110 Established Patient Acupuncture Treatment and/or Herbal Follow Up Consultation

    All herbal supplements are charged separately.

  • I accept payment by cash, check or credit/debit card. There is a $35.00 fee for a bounced check and only one occurrence is permitted. If a second check bounces, I will require cash-only payment from then on.

  • If you are unable to keep your appointment for any reason, I ask that you call my office at least 24 hours in advance to cancel or reschedule the appointment. Otherwise you will be charged the full fee for the missed appointment. If you are 20 or more minutes late, your appointment will be canceled and you will be charged for the reserved appointment time.

  • I currently do not bill insurance directly. I am an out-of-network provider and can offer a superbill to submit to your insurance company for reimbursement.

    Most insurance plans have out-of-network coverage which allow you to get reimbursed for treatment. For some plans, the benefits for in or out-of-network providers are exactly the same. The best thing to do is call your insurance company and ask what your out-of-network acupuncture benefits are and how to submit a claim for reimbursement. Often this can be done easily online.

    This patient-centered approach allows me to design treatment based on your individual goals and needs as well as spend more one-on-one time with you.

    Payment is due at the time of service.

What the research says:

Acupuncture helps to reduce moderate to severe menopause symptoms like hot flashes, excess sweating, mood swings, sleep disturbances, and skin and hair problems (British Medical Journal Open and Kwee SH, et. al.). 

Acupuncture can alleviate conditions such as anxiety and nervousness (Evidence Based Complementary Alternative Medicine).

Acupuncture reduces the frequency and severity of hot flashes, night sweats, and other menopause-related symptoms, with clinical effects lasting up to 3 months (Nancy E. Avis, Ph.D.). 

80% of women receiving acupuncture for hot flashes and other menopausal symptoms felt that the sessions had helped them after six weeks of treatment (British Medical Journal Open).